Environmental Monitoring

The water quality of Vila Velha and Camaçari terminals are evaluated and monitored through periodic analysis of water and wastewater. Inspections and environmental audits are developed in order to acting preemptively to reduce the possible risks of environmental damage associated with activities.
The results are carefully evaluated by the indicators allowing the establishment of environmental performance goals.

Waste Management

The garbage selective collection on ships, offices and terminals enables the reuse and recycling of waste generated, contributing to generate direct and indirect jobs, to increase the useful life of landfills and the preservation of the environment by minimizing the possible impacts.
It is made educational activities for the reduction and minimization of waste generation since its source. Subsequently, they are routed through companies licensed for environmentally correct disposal.

Clean-Up Program

The Clean-up Program developed at Vila Velha Terminal in partnership with the Federation of Transport Companies (FETRANSPORTES) aims to help improve air quality and rational use of fuel in diesel vehicles that circulate through the Terminal.

Structure Response to Environmental Emergencies

Vila Velha Terminal implemented the Individual Emergency Plan and the Emergency Care Plan, the latter also present in Camaçari Terminal, incorporating those measures and actions to be taken in case of environmental emergencies.
Aiming to prepare the team for combat actions and response journals and specific training simulations are performed. Materials and human resources also take part of the structure. Thus, an emergency can be solved in a short time, significantly reducing the impact on the environment.

Program Community Fund Network

The Community Fund Network is an initiative of the Inter-American Network of Foundations and Corporate Actions for Grassroots Development – RedEAmerica, joint with the Interamerican Foundation – IAF.
In Brazil, Log-In is a partner in Vila Velha region along with six other members of RedEAmerica foundations.
The program is aimed at establishing and strengthening alliances that contribute to combating poverty through a development model, encouraging a model of local development, from the support of grassroots projects designed collectively, from interaction between different actors and encouraging the formation of groups, committees and local networks.

Control and Evaluation of Legislation and Other Requirements-CAL®

Log-In has a contract with a consulting firm that developed the software CAL®, a ‘web‘ system in ASP.Net/SQL technology, with a database which currently has over 30 000 registered standards. This modern software allows Log-In to make identifying, updating, monitoring and integrated management of legal requirements applicable to activities.

Technical Report on Environmental Warranty

Aiming to sustain a communication permanent channel with the authorities and to present to stakeholders the developments in environmental management of the organization, Camaçari Intermodal Terminal developed the Technical Report on Environmental Warranty and through his committee have been working with the purpose of coordinating , evaluate and demonstrate the plans, programs, projects and activities of the company with the potential to cause impacts on the environment, thereby acting to advance an unwanted event.

